
Swagelok is a company located in Solon. The company manufactures and distributes components for gas and fluid system solutions (including fittings, valves, hoses, and sensors). There are more than 200 authorized sales and service centers located in 57 countries, including six in Germany, two in Switzerland and one in Austria.


The company was founded in 1947 by Fred A. Lennon ( 1905-1998 ) in Solon, Ohio. There is still the headquarters of the company. Today's global enterprises started as a small family, with an initial loan of only $ 500. The main product was a screw in a special capsule. The variety of products came together by the so-called Swagelok group. This consists of the following companies bought up:

In 1954 Cajon Company was purchased in 1956 Nuclear Products, NUPRO short, 2 years later ( 1958) Whitey tool, a few years later, in 1967, Sno- Trik, 2003 KenMac Limited, and finally, in 2011, RHPS.

2001 Fred A. Lennon has been included in the Northeast Ohio Business Hall of Fame.
