Synanthedon andrenaeformis

Snowball Clearwing ( Synanthedon andrenaeformis )

The snowball Clearwing ( Synanthedon andrenaeformis ) is a butterfly of the family of the Clearwing ( Sesiidae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature



The moths have transparent wings, which are scaly only at the wing veins, the Diskalfleck and the wing edges. You can reach a wingspan of 18-28 millimeters. The hem is relatively broad and sometimes dusted slightly reddish. In the middle of an elongated black brown Diskalfleck can be seen running from the front to the back edge. The hind wings have a narrow dark Saumbinde and a small black brown Diskalfleck. Sensor, thorax and abdomen shining blue-black. On the segments two and four are whitish or yellowish rings, the ring on the fourth segment is always wider. Some male plants also point to the segments five and six weakly indicated whitish rings. The after Bush is fan-shaped and is provided at the end with a lot of yellow hair.

Similar Species

There is a certain similarity to the honeysuckle - Clearwing ( Synanthedon soffneri ). However, this shows a broader, more vigorous yolk- yellow colored ring only on the fourth segment. In addition, the after- Busch is formed only of black hair.

Geographical distribution and occurrence

The snowball Clearwing is distributed locally in Europe. Towards the east extends the distribution area of ​​Asia Minor and Russia to Armenia, where he. Ssp by the Synanthedon andrenaeformis tenuicingulata is represented. Main habitat of the species are floodplains, forest edges, bushy heaths and occasionally gardens and parks.

Way of life

The diurnal moths flying in the months of May to July and sometimes into August. They are particularly active in the sunshine. Then you like to visit the flowers of different plants and can also be detected by pheromone traps. The maggot-like caterpillars live one or two- year under the bark or in the pith of the branches of woolly (Viburnum lantana ) or Exceptional (Viburnum opulus ). They overwinter and pupate in the spring. Before the emergence of the butterfly, the pupa pushes out about a third of the wood of the food plant.


In Germany, the Snowball clearwings occurs in the southern, central and western provinces and is classified on the red list of threatened species as not at risk.

