
Takovo is a village in the municipality of Gornji Milanovac in the district Moravica with 493 inhabitants ( 2002). Takovo is centrally located in Serbia at an altitude of 472 meters above sea level. At Takovo over the future Horgoš - Požega is run.


On 11 Apriljul. / April 23 1815greg. , Palm Sunday according to the Julian calendar, began in the Second Serbian Uprising Takovo against the Ottomans under the leadership of Miloš Obrenović. The decision to revolt was received by the National Council of Serbs in Takovo under an oak tree, the grm as Takovski in the Serbian history.

The uprising heralded the end of the domination of the Ottomans throughout Southeast Europe and gained an enormous importance for the resurrected Serbia, so that 50 years later, a Takovo Medal for special military and civil merit was designed. 1895 attacked the Serbian painter Paja Jovanović realistic on the subject and held the scene of the meeting in Takovo with Miloš Obrenović in the middle of oil resistant.


  • Statistical Office of Serbia, literature: books Census population ninth book inhabitants, Overview Demographics 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, disclosures pursuant to settlements (Serbian ) May 2004 Belgrade, ISBN 86-84433-14-9