Tala Birell

Tala Birell ( born September 10, 1907 in Bucharest as Natalie Biene, † February 17, 1958 in Landstuhl ) was an Austrian actress.

Life and work

Tala Birell was born the daughter of working in Bucharest Bavarian businessman Karl Bierl and originating from the Austro-Hungarian Galicia Stefanie von Schaydakowska in Bucharest. became a stage actress and was from 1930 significant roles in German and international film productions. In 1931 she moved to Hollywood, where the film company Universal put them in the kind of oriented Greta Garbo ideal woman.

She took over for years greater tasks as a recognized actress in American films, such as Bringing Up Baby, the breakthrough to the status of a star but she could not. In 1951 she returned to Europe and worked in Nuremberg and later elsewhere in Europe in the management of American troops care. She is buried in Marquartstein.

Filmography (selection)

