Tanhuma bar Abba

R. Tanchuma bar Abba (also Tanhum bar Abba, more precisely Berabbi Abba ) was a of Palestinian amora of the fifth generation, and lived and worked in the fourth century AD.

He was a pupil of R. Huna b. Abin and systematically collected the Aggadah.

He discussed more often with non-Jews on issues of religion and met them in a spirit of tolerance.

Its no longer existing Midraschsammlungen were frequently as the basis of PRK ( Pesiqta de Rab Kahana ), PesR ( Pesiqta Rabbati ) and considers the Tanchuma - Yelamdenu - Midrashim.

PesR contains 80 prooemia where Tanchuma is named as the author.

With Tanchuma bar Abba ends the series of the major Palestinian Aggadisten.
