Tarahumara language

Spoken in

  • Uto- Aztec Languages Southern Uto- Aztec Languages Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijío Tarahumara




Tarahumara ( Rarámuri ) is an indigenous language in northern Mexico, spoken by the ethnicity of the Tarahumara. It belongs to the Uto-Aztecan languages.

Tarahumara is spoken according to the census of 2010 of about 88,000 people in the south west of the state of Chihuahua. SIL International divides the Tarahumara in four individual languages ​​(of which the Central Tarahumara with 55,000 speakers in 2000 the richest speaker ).

Unlike the related Nahuatl, the Tarahumara to no vigesimal, but a decimal system. The numbers to ten are not similar in these two languages ​​.
