Tarsometatarsal articulations

The tarsometatarsal joints ( articulationes tarsometatarsales, " tarsal metatarsal joints " ) are the joints between the cuneiform bones and the cuboid bone and the bases of the metatarsal bones. It is tight joints ( amphiarthroses ), that is they only allow minor movements. For heavier loads they are involved in the tilting movements of the foot ( pronation and supination ). In humans, three Tarsometarsalgelenke be distinguished, whose joint space form the Lisfranc joint line.

The cuneiform bones form a kind of queres vault in which the base of the second metatarsal bone is firmly established as a keystone. The base of the second metatarsal is much wider proximally than the adjacent metatarsals and connected especially about the Lisfranc ligament firmly to the medial sphenoid. Grassroots level some metatarsal on intermetatarsal joints are connected, some of which are in direct contact with the Tarsometatarsalgelenken.

In birds, no tarsometatarsal joints are created, here are the corresponding bones fused to the tarsometatarsus.

Individual joints

The inside (medial ) tarsometatarsal joint is formed ( medial cuneiform bone ) from the inner sphenoid bone and the first metatarsal bone. In the middle tarsometatarsal joint, the middle and outer wedge leg stand ( cuneiform intermedium and lateral ) with the bases of the second and third metatarsal bones in conjunction. The outer (lateral ) tarsometatarsal joint is formed by the cuboid and the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.

The three joints each have their own joint capsule and are separated by interosseous ligaments ( ligaments interosseous ). The joint cavities of the middle and outer tarsometatarsal joint are compatible with those of the adjacent Intermetatarsalgelenke in conjunction.


In a hallux valgus deformity occurs in the first tarsometatarsal joint in a medial to Fußinnenrand abduction and varus deformity of the first metatarsal ( metatarsus primus varus ). According to some forms of surgery put on for the correction of hallux valgus in this first tarsometatarsal joint, especially the Lapidus arthrodesis as a corrective stiffening of the joint.

A Lisfranc dislocation is a serious, but rare foot injury in the United States, the incidence is 2 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. This can lead to accompanying fractures especially of the second metatarsal. In soccer there is an increased risk.

As part of a diabetic foot or a neuro- arthropathy may in type II lead to a destruction of the Lisfranc joint after Sanders and Frykberg.

The Lisfranc joint line can be used to amputation of the forefoot.
