Taybeh Brewery

The Taybeh Brewery is a micro brewery in Taybeh / West Bank. As the only brewery in the Middle East puts forth beer according to the German Purity Law.


The raw materials for the beer to be imported, the hops comes from Bavaria, the malt from Belgium, yeast from England. The water comes from a nearby spring, but is under Israeli control. Originally, the bottles were imported from Portugal, as an Israeli bottle manufacturers did not deliver. When importing hundreds of thousands of bottles they were blocked in the Israeli port of 58 days. Then the bottles Israeli producer offered to deliver bottles. Brewed are five varieties; Golden, Dark, Amber, Light and since 2008 a non-alcoholic beer. The beer is kosher. The annual production of 6,000 hectoliters.


The company was founded in 1994 by the family Khoury of Taybeh. Were invested 1.2 million U.S. dollars, with the money came from family wealth, as the banks refused to give loans. In 1997 the license production of beer in Germany was included in a brewery in Nagold. During the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, the company ran to the brink of ruin. In 2005, the brewery almost became collateral damage of a revenge campaign by residents of the neighboring Muslim village in the context of honor killing affair, only the use of Nadim Khoury prevented the destruction of plant ..

The company had about 15 employees in 2010. The transport to Jerusalem is complicated by the border between Israel and the Palestinian territories. The next item is indeed only half an hour away from Taybeh, but the beer has to be transported over a 3.5 hour drive away Checkpoint in Hebron. 2010, about 50 percent of the beer in the West Bank were sold, 40 percent went to Israel. The rest is exported. Before the second intifada, about 70 percent of the beer were exported to Israel.

Since 2005, the brewery hosts Oktoberfest, 2009, it was visited by over 10,000 people. 2008 Taste the revolution was shot, a film about the brewery. In 2010 he was shown at the Chicago Palestine Film Festival.

