Telmessos (Caria)

37.048827.319Koordinaten: 37 ° 3 ' N, 27 ° 19' O Telmissus (Greek Τελμισσός, rare Τελμεσσός Telmessus called ) was an ancient city in Caria in the present-day village Gürece, about eleven kilometers west of Bodrum ( ancient Halicarnassus ) in the Turkey.

Originally Telmissus was a settlement of Leleges. To 361 BC a part of the inhabitants of mouse Solos was relocated to Halicarnassus, in the 2nd century BC Telmissus was fully incorporated into the neighboring town. In Telmissus was a still significant in the Roman Empire Apollo sanctuary with oracle.

Are preserved remains of a hillfort Lelegian with attachment, chamber and rock tombs.

Even in ancient times, the town was often confused with Telmessus in Lycia.
