Ter Meer reaction

The Ter - Sea reaction is a name reaction in organic chemistry and is used to transfer a geminal halonitroalkane in a geminal Dinitroalkan. The reaction is named after its discoverer Edmund ter Meer ( 1852-1931 ).

Mechanistically, it is an aliphatic nucleophilic substitution of the halide ion ( in the formula as chloride ) by a nitrite ion. For this purpose there is proposed a reaction mechanism in which in the first step of the nitroalkane one of a proton and the carbanion 2 is formed. This is Nitrocarbanion reprotonated to 3, and finally substituted the chloride by nucleophilic nitrite. This gives the geminal Dinitroalkan 4

Become nitro haloalkanes contrast treated with potassium hydroxide, arise in a similar reaction, a mixture of the two cis- trans isomers [ (E ) / ( Z)- isomers ] of vicinal Dinitroalkens:
