Tetra (company)

52.2011248.349609Koordinaten: 52 ° 12 ' 4 " N, 8 ° 20' 59" O

The Tetra GmbH in Melle in the district of Osnabrück is a subsidiary of Spectrum Brands Group and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of aquaristischem accessories.


The Tetra GmbH was founded in 1949 by Ulrich Baensch in Melle, Lower Saxony, and has for decades been the world leader in the field of aquatics. On the basis of animal and vegetable raw materials Baensch invented a special process to produce dry food for ornamental fish. The name of the first feed is made up of tetra ( Greek " four " ) and Min ( last syllable of " vitamin " ), so TetraMin. TetraMin came in 1954 as the world's first ornamental fish feed directly into the global trade. Baensch founded in the same year his company "Tetra works." Meanwhile has the Tetra GmbH adjacent to the site Melle worldwide subsidiaries in France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Japan, Singapore and the United States. Overall, the Tetra group has representatives in over 90 countries. The world market share of Tetra is 3.6 times as large as that of the largest competitor. Wolfgang Mollenhauer left end of 2010 due to age the company.

New owner

In 1974 the company was sold to the American company Warner Lambert. In December 2002, Pfizer, Warner Lambert which had taken over in the meantime, Tetra sold to Triton, a European independent private equity fund. Almost three years later, the company was taken over by the American consumer goods company Spectrum Brands. Spectrum Brands - with its subsidiary United Pet - one of the major American supplier of pet food and pet supplies items.


The Tetra GmbH produces different aquarium and garden pond products, including fish food, water conditioner, water tests, medicines for ornamental fish, food for reptiles, technical devices such as water filters, membrane pumps and other equipment for the cleaning of aquariums and garden ponds. Since 2006, Tetra also offers aquariums, which were awarded in the same year with the international IF Design Award 2006 in the category Leisure / Lifestyle.

The importance for the aquarium

Tetra was in the U.S. sponsor of the movie " Finding Nemo ". The tetra -Verlag publishes special books on aquarium and ornamental fish. The founder is the son of Ulrich Baensch, Hans Baensch. Since 1998, the company is independently conducted by Hans -Joachim Herrmann. To offer to the literature include the magazine " aquarium magazine".
