The Adventures of Superman (radio)

The Adventures of Superman is the title of a U.S. radio drama series that first aired from 1940 to 1951. It goes back to the eponymous comic strip hero Superman.

The pre-produced series was initially adopted by 62 stations on 12 February 1940, the New York premiere and medium-wave transmitter WOR was 10, later. At MBS Superman was from 1942 to 1949, presented in 15 - minute episodes, which were broadcast three to five times a week. The series was extended to half an hour of broadcasting time later.


The first 19 episodes have individual titles and tell greatly streamlined the background of the Superman saga. Episode 1 ( "The Baby from Krypton " ) describes the dramatic rescue of a toddler, the viewing of the destruction of their own planet by rocket towards Earth is sent by his parents. During the multi-year flight time Superman grows and comes in episode 2 (" Clark Kent, Reporter" ) as a grown man on the earth. On the recommendation of the first people he meets, is Superman decides to be a reporter, to better understand the human race under the name " Clark Kent ".

Each episode begins with the later assumed by the television jingle: " Up in the sky! Look! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Superman! "
