The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ ( Imitation of Christ ) by Thomas a Kempis is a widely used and widely read spiritual book. It first appeared anonymously in the year 1418.

Authorship and dissemination

The authorship has long been discussed, but is now generally accepted that Thomas a Kempis was the author of the work. Author, however, in the sense that Thomas is thinking of a certain mystical school of thought only summarized. The clearest and earliest parallels to the in the last 200 years " rediscovered " and collected writings and sermons of Meister Eckhart, in particular to the speeches of instruction and the book of divine consolation, which originated around the year 1300. Henry Suso, John Tauler, Nicholas of Landau, John of Dambach, the Franciscan Marquard von Lindau and other writers of the 14th century were heavily inspired by Eckhart and often quoted him without mentioning his name, because his writings had been condemned by a papal bull. Under cover of anonymity could Eckhart mystical spirit by means of the " Imitation of Christ " found in a more acceptable form for the church -wide distribution.

The " Imitation of Christ " is part of the mystical German - Dutch school of the 14th and 15th centuries ( cf. Modern Devotion ). It was long regarded as the most important guide to Christian discipleship and was common among both Catholics and Protestants. The Jesuits gave her a place in their retreat. John Wesley and John Newton wrote her an influence to their conversion. General Gordon wore them himself on the battlefield with him.

There are more than 3000 different editions, of which 1000 in the British Museum. There is to be alone 545 Latin and about 900 French editions. It is probably the most widely according to the Bible book of Christianity.

Originally the book was written in Latin. There is an autograph of 1441 and there is a French translation of 1447th First prints published in 1488 in Toulouse. A handwritten translation into German from 1434 is preserved in Cologne. A first German printing appeared in 1486 in Augsburg. An English pressure, followed in 1502, an Italian in 1488, a Spanish in 1536, an Arab 1663, an Armenian in 1674 and a Hebrew 1837. Pierre Corneille created in 1651 a poetical paraphrase. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Dag Hammarskjöld have praised it.


The " Imitation of Christ " is its title from the title of the first of her four books. The original text is written in verse and in rhyme. The four books do not appear in all editions, also varies the order. Lyrically, it is a compilation or anthology of individual thoughts, which are ordered based on certain aspects, but not a continuous thought leadership.

The work is divided into four books. Book I is derived beginners to the Christian life. Book II deals with humility, peacefulness, simplicity and willingness to suffer. Book IV is Eucharistic reflections and prayers. Book III, the most comprehensive, illuminates the comfort that the Christian receives by dealing with Christ. (The order of the autograph is I-II- III - IV, in press usually I-II- III -IV. )

The work will be a guide to Christian discipleship that helps the Christian soul on the path of holiness and communion with God. The individual records are statements that are not arguments that flow from the Christian experience. It is intended for monks, nuns, ascetics, etc.. Broadcaster thought of all reflections, the Council self-abandonment.

The life of Jesus Christ is presented as the highest possible study for Christians, because his teachings exceeds the teachings of all saints far. The book gives advice on how to read the Bible, to submit to spiritual Upper, warnings against temptation and how to resist them, to escape reflections on death and the Last Judgment, Meditations on the devotion to Christ and encouragement, the vanities of the world. Christ is more than all wisdom.

In order to classify

The book is one of the most widespread and well-known Christian devotional works at all. However, it was written by a monk and is therefore mainly focused on the spiritual life in the monastery. It lays special emphasis on the separation of the " floating world " and is hardly instructions for active behavior in the world. For most Christians, the book is attractive because it puts much emphasis on Jesus Christ and the direct link with God.

Although the reformers individual theological positions that rezipiert the work, fighting - about the merit of good works, transubstantiation, the worship of saints and purgatory - it still exhibited a profound effect on Protestantism ( eg Gerhard Tersteegen ).
