The Other Russia (coalition)

The Other Russia Other Russia or (Russian Другая Россия / Rossiya Drugaja ) is an alliance of several opposition parties in Russia. The extra-parliamentary movement had the goal to compete as a united opposition to the Russian parliamentary elections in December 2007 and the presidential elections in March 2008. Both goals were not realized.

History of the Coalition

The alliance was founded on July 12, 2006, when met during the St. Petersburg G8 Summit over 300 participants to a counter-summit under the title The Other Russia in Moscow. Chaired by the former world chess champion Garry Kasparov gathered in the summer of 2006 for the first time opposition parties, civil rights and non-governmental organizations from all over Russia against the policies of Vladimir Putin.

They forged under the name of The Other Russia, a temporary civil society alliance of all political boundaries, the Kasparov compared with that of 1988/89 in Chile, " as a broad community of action brought the case to dictatorship ".

The most important leadership figures of the Other Russia are Garry Kasparov and Eduard Limonov, Chairman of the 2005 banned National Bolshevik Party of Russia. The former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov was involved with his party People's Democratic Alliance until the summer of 2007 the coalition, they left, however, due to disagreements regarding the definition of the candidate of the Alliance for the Presidential election 2008. Becomes critical especially the lack of a common specific goal at the Alliance and seen concept for the future of Russia - apart from the common Kremlin opposition. In Russia, the most prominent leading figure of the Alliance, Kasparov has been criticized mainly because of its close links to the U.S. government and entanglement with related organizations.

An important instrument of the Other Russia is the so -called March of the malcontents ( Марш несогласных ), a term that Kasparov had coined in 2005. General sets the Alliance, especially in the west media-effective street protests, while Kasparov did not participate in the presidential elections of 2008.

Participating groups

  • Civil Cooperation ( Russian Гражданское содействие )
  • Kalmückisches Center for Human Rights (Russian Калмыцкий правозащитный центр )
  • Left Front (Russian Сулахай фронт )
  • Memorial human rights organization (Russian Мемориал )
  • Moscow Helsinki Group (Russian Московская Хельсинкская группа )
  • National Bolshevik Party (Russian Национал - Большевистская партия НБП )
  • Oborona liberal- democratic youth organization (Russian Молодёжное движение Оборона )
  • Open Russia (Russian Открытая Россия )
  • Republican Party of Russia RPR (Russian Республиканская партия России РПР, 2007 resolved)
  • Russian democratic alliance RNDS (Russian Российский народно - демократический союз РНДС )
  • Smena youth organization (Russian Смена )
  • Voice of Beslan (Russian Голос Беслана )
  • United Civil Front ( OGF ) (Russian Объединённый гражданский фронт ОГФ )
  • People's Democratic Alliance (Russian Народно - демократический союз НДС, in July 2007 from the alliance leaked )
  • An automatic plant Russia (Russian Трудовая Россия, a Stalinist group that resigned in 2006 from the alliance )

Prominent members

  • Viktor Anpilov ( joined in late 2006 with his party work An automatic Russia from the coalition )
  • Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion and head of United Civil Front
  • Mikhail Kasyanov, former Prime Minister ( 2007 declared its withdrawal from the alliance ),
  • Eduard Limonov, head of National Bolshevik Party
  • Vladimir Ryzhkov, a liberal Duma deputy ( later distanced himself from the alliance )
  • Georgi Satarov, head Smena and the Foundation BY
  • Anastasia Udal'tsova and Sergei Udaltsov, spokesperson and coordinator of the Left Front