The Riddle (Nik Kershaw song)

November 1984

The Riddle is a published in the fall of 1984 song by Nik Kershaw. The title and the lyrics suggest a classic mystery, which meant that it was attempted to decipher the song on a deeper significance.

Years later explained Kershaw, that we are dealing with a random composite text without any sense. He wrote the song under time pressure and therefore a nonsense text ( " jibberish lyrics" ) is used. This lyrics was then, however, retained, and the song was called The Riddle.

" In short, The Riddle is nonsense, rubbish, bollocks, the confused ramblings of an 80's pop star. Please forgive me. I knew not what I did. "

" In short, The Riddle is rubbish, garbage, rubbish, the confused ramblings of a 80's pop stars. Forgive me. I did not know what I was doing. "

The song became a Top 10 hit across Europe and was particularly popular on the radio ( number 1 in the German airplay charts ).

In 1999, Light Force the song as an instrumental piece newly released and named the Cover Take Your Time. So you managed a short placement in the German charts. In January 2000, again had a Top 10 hit Gigi D'Agostino with a dance version of The Riddle. 2012 coverte the Swiss Dance duo Jack Holiday & Mike Candys the title again, reaching with his version of the sales charts. In the same year, the Swedish trio Jacob Karlzon 3 published a jazzy cover version.
