Thelypteris palustris

Sumpffarn ( Thelypteris palustris)

The Sumpffarn or marsh Lappenfarn ( Thelypteris palustris), within the family of Sumpffarngewächse to the genus Thelypteris.


The Sumpffarn is a 30-80 cm high Geophyt with far- creeping, to 50 cm long rhizome. Its fronds are 15-100 cm long, slightly narrowed at the base and tender. The spore -bearing fronds unfold several weeks after the sterile fronds. The pinnules are narrow linear with entire margins ( to slightly denticulate ), with yellowish glands and whitish hair and with zurückgerolltem edge, they have no special scent. The sori between midrib and edge and are approached later this.


The distribution area of Sumpffarns extends from Europe to the Middle East and North Africa, which are slightly different clan, var pubescens ( Laws. ) remote. occurs in East Asia and North America, the native tribe in Europe, var palustris are found primarily in the temperate region, north to southern Sweden and Finland, in the subcontinental region and in the Alps up to 1200 m altitude, in the Mediterranean area it is rare.


The Sumpffarn occurs in loose herds of shaded light to rich, but absonnigen, fresh, lime-poor, acidic, often musty - humic loamy soils on. He settled mostly together with other ferns mainly montane beech and beech-fir forests, but also occurs in species-rich fir-spruce forests ( Pyrolo - Abietetum ) and subalpine tall herb communities.


In Germany there is only the palustris var.

Synonyms: Acrostichum thelypteris L. 1753 Aspidium thelypteris (L.) Sw. 1802 Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) A. Gray 1848 Lastrea thelypteris (L.) Presl 1836 Nephrodium thelypteris (L.) Stremp. 1822.
