Thomas Stephen Cullen

Thomas Stephen Cullen ( born November 20, 1868 in Bridgewater, Ontario, Canada, † March 4, 1953 ) was a Canadian-American gynecologist. According to him, the Cullen's sign is named that occurs when a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and acute pancreatitis ( Bauchspeichdrüsenentzündung ).

Thomas Stephen Cullen, son of a preacher graduated in 1890 at the University of Toronto. In 1891 he became assistant to the gynecologist Howard Atwood Kelly at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1893 he traveled to conduct research in the laboratory of John Orth to Göttingen. At the Johns Hopkins University, he worked in gynecological pathology, where he was in 1900 appointed professor.


  • Cancer of the uterus. New York, 1900.
  • Adenomyoma of the uterus. Berlin, 1903.
  • Adenomyoma of the uterus. Philadelphia and London, 1908.
  • Myomata of the uterus. Philadelphia, 1909.
  • Embryology, anatomy, and diseases of the umbilicus together with diseases of the urachus. Philadelphia, Saunders, and London, 1916.
  • Early medicine in Maryland. Baltimore, 1927.