Thomson Junction

- 18.33888888888926.449166666667Koordinaten: 18 ° 20 ' S, 26 ° 27' O

Thomson Junction is a railway station in the province of Matabeleland North in Zimbabwe on the railway line Bulawayo - Victoria Falls-Livingstone/Sambia. Here is a marshalling yard and the transfer station to the carbon track of the Hwange Colliery (formerly Wankie Colliery ), which opens up the largest coalfield of Zimbabwe. The coal train brings its own locomotives, coal trains from the station, then the state railway NRZ takes over and on to the customers all over the country, especially in power plants supplies.

Even in the 1990s, all train services were provided by steam locomotives Garratt. The locomotives were supplied in the local depot with water and coal. Maintenance work and repairs were carried out when necessary. Here was carried out for south -propelled heavy trains from Zambia Victoria Falls a change of locomotive of the Garratts 15 series on the most powerful series 20, because the route to Dete has very curvy difficult slope ramps.

The station name is due to AR Thomson Esq. , Who was Manager of Wankie Colliery for many years General.


Freight train from Victoria Falls in Thomson Junction Railway
