Tiger pistol shrimp

Alpheus socialis with Yellow Symbiosegrundel ( aquarium admission )

Alpheus socialis is a snapping shrimp from the coral reefs of the central tropical Indo-Pacific. It occurs on the coasts of Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, southern China and southern Japan. He probably lives in the Seychelles and on the north coast of Australia.


Alpheus socialis reaches a maximum body length of four to five centimeters. Carapace, abdomen and walking legs are whitish and provided with a tiger pattern of brown to dark purple stripes. The shears carry a wide, brown to dark violet ribbon, scissors tips are whitish. Like other cancers bang Alpheus socialis is able to produce one of the two shears a water jet and a loud noise, by suddenly against the propodus, the immovable -brace, quick lets the Dactyl, the movable scissor member.

Way of life

Alpheus socialis lives very hidden in self-dug caves or natural corridors and gaps in the reef. Like many other species of the genus Alpheus he lives in symbiosis with Wächtergrundeln. Symbiosis partners include Amblyeleotris guttata, A. japonica, A. latifasciata, A. steinitzi, Cryptocentrus cinctus, Ctenogobiops feroculus and Stonogobiops xanthorhinica.
