Toirano Caves

The cave system Grotte di Toirano is located above the village of Toirano, Province of Savona, in the Liguria region of Italy. It lies at the end of the Vallone del Vero, Valley of the truth, seven kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea, between the towns of Albenga and Finale Ligure on the Riviera di Ponente. In addition to the three to visit caves some 70 caves are located in the region.


The caves are located in the foothills of Kalkmassives of gray dolomite.

The cave entrances were buried a long time, until 1890 Nicolò Marelli explored the entrance zone of the Grotta della Basura, the "witch's cave ". As of 1950, the basura cave was uncovered by cavers and developed as a show cave. A visit to the cave has been possible since 1953. About one carved into the stone connecting tunnel of about 120 meters in length it is connected to the Grotta di San Lucia Inferiore since the mid-sixties. In the Grotta della Basura looking at a large number of stalactites and stalagmites is possible that you normally could not see: A completely filled with water in the discovery space in the Antro Cybele was emptied and can be visited today "dry". In Italian, these large globular deposits " concrezioni mamellonari " are called, big and broad yellowish formations, natural wonders that only arise under water in the course of millennia.

The Il Tanone, the last piece of the cave Lucia was once the shelter and is now used for events.

About 12,000 years ago in the cave some people - families had stayed (Homo sapiens). In the forward areas traces of their stone-age life have been found: a footprint, several knee imprints and imprints of fingertips. In addition, clay balls are seen, which were thrown against the wall. Clay balls and traces of the wall are still visible today.

In addition, there were over 20,000 years ago, cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ) in the cave from which bones are to be admired. It is amazing that the bones were found far inside the cave, where absolute darkness reigned. It is believed that the bones were rinsed well into the interior of the cave in by floods, which results from the bone mixtures and arrangements of the bone fragments.

Such finds that the caves were used in later times as burial sites of the Romans.


La Grotta della Basura ( Grotta della strega )

1953 opened:

  • Sala Morelli ( access )
  • Il Salotto
  • Corridor delle Impronte (Corridor of the impressions of primitive man )
  • Il Laghetto
  • Cimitero degli Orsi ( Bears - cemetery)
  • Sala dei Misteri ( Hall of the Mysteries )
  • Antro di Cybele
  • Tunnel di collegamento (1967 opened )

Grotta di Santa Lucia Inferiore

Opened in 1966, towards the end of the exit as the visitors direction:

  • I Cristalli
  • Pantheon
  • Sala dei livelli ( dei Capitelli )
  • Il Tanone (output)

Grotta di Santa Lucia Superiore

The cave has been known since the Middle Ages. Shortly after the exit of the cave Inferiore branches on the downward-leading way to the exit to the right the steep hillside a short way to a protruding from the cliff face from ancient chapel, called santuario rupestre, which can be visited. The chapel is a late medieval pilgrimage in the 15th century. The chapel was carved directly into the stone and partly with her arises an allegedly miraculous spring whose healing effect will be awarded in eye diseases of St Lucy. Links before the rising of the altar is a close access to another cave - of about 240 m long Grotta di San Lucia Superiore.

La Grotta del Colombo

Again, about 50 meters above Santa Lucia Superiore is the Grotta del Colombo, which may be committed only for scientific purposes. Bone fragments found there to have an age of about 300,000 years, and Homo heidelbergensis to be the associate.

  • Grotte di Toirano
  • " Ball " stalactites
  • Aragonite "stars" and spherical incrustations
  • The "Tower of Pisa" is about 8 m high
  • A Riesenstalagmit with about 3.5 m height and about 1m in diameter

Visitor Information

Every year, more than 100,000 tourists caves. The caves can be visited by guided tours. Most also foreign language tours in German and English are offered. It can pictures are taken in the caves, except in the areas of early man footprints and animal bone fragments. Take the guided tours offered between one to one and a half hours. The temperature in the cave is about 16 ° C.

In the village there is the Museum Ethnographic Museum della Val Varatella, which also finds from the caves are shown.
