Tolpis barbata

Real Bartpippau ( Tolpis barbata )

Tolpis barbata is a species of the genus Tolpis in the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


Tolpis barbata is a one-year stem - Therophyt, achieved the stature heights of 6 to 90 inches. The outer bracts are filiform and as long or longer than the inner ones. The fruits have a pappus of numerous short hairs. The inner fruit addition (0 ) 2 to 5 long hair.

The flowering period extends from April to July (October).


Tolpis barbata comes in the Mediterranean on Phrygana and dry stony waste places at altitudes 0-700 meters before. The species avoids lime.


  • Ralf Jahn, Peter Schoenfelder: Excursion Flora of Crete. With contributions by Alfred Mayer and Martin Scheuerer. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8001-3478-0, p 332