
Tomina is a village in the department of Chuquisaca in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Tomina is the central place of the municipality in the province of Tomina Tomina and lies at an altitude of 2057 m on the left bank of the flowing northward Río Tomina. The Río Tomina is a right tributary of the Bolivian Río Grande and is located in one of the side valleys on the eastern slopes of the Bolivian Cordillera Central.


Tomina is located in the transition zone between the Andes mountain range of the Cordillera Central and the Bolivian lowlands. The region's climate is mild and balanced.

The mean average temperature of the region is about 19 ​​° C (see climate chart ) and varies only slightly from just under 16 ° C in June and July and nearly 21 ° C from November to January. The annual precipitation is about 600 mm, with a pronounced dry season from May to August, month rainfall below 10 mm, and a humidity season from December to February, 100 to 125 mm month precipitation.

Traffic network

Tomina lies at a distance of 155 kilometers of road east of the Departamento Capital Sucre.

The village is located on the 976 km long highway Ruta 6 connecting Sucre with the Bolivian lowlands and the local metropolis of Santa Cruz. The road to Sucre is unattached to the first 45 kilometers to Tarabuco and contributes only then an asphalt surface, it passes through the city Zudañez and reached for further 43 kilometers Tomina.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades to more than three-fold:

Due to the historically evolved population distribution, the region has a high proportion of Quechua population in the municipality of Tomina 94.0 percent of the population speak the Quechua language.
