
77.27516.716666666667Koordinaten: 77 ° 16 '30 " N, 16 ° 43' 0" E

Torell Land is one of the designated " countries" on the areas managed by Norway Spitsbergen in Svalbard. The area located in the south of the main island of Svalbard is covered by glaciers and virtually uninhabited.


The name " Torell Land" is a tribute to the geologist and Ice Age expert Otto Martin Torell, the first director of the Swedish Geological Institute. He undertook in 1858, 1861, 1864 and 1868 expeditions to Spitsbergen.


Torell Land forms the connecting bridge between the southern areas of Spitsbergen. To the south lies Sørkapp - country to the west, separated by the Hornsund, Wedel Jarlsberg - country, in the north- west lies Nathorst Land and in the Northeast Army land. West of Torell Land lies with the Storfjorden the open sea.
