Tours Aillaud

48.8894892.227392Koordinaten: 48 ° 53 ' 22 " N, 2 ° 13' 39" E

The Tours Aillaud (French: Aillaud towers ), also called " Tours Nuages ​​" (French: Cloud towers) called, are an ensemble of a total of 18 high-rise buildings that have been built in 1977 according to the plans of the French architect Emile Aillaud in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. The two main buildings have a height of 105 meters. All 18 buildings are also designed according to the same plan. Overall, they provide housing for tenants in 1607.

Originally intended as a pioneering and exemplary architecture for housing developments in the suburbs of big cities, the residential area developed since the early 1980s to a social focal point.
