Townsend (Montana)

Broadwater County


Townsend is a city in the U.S. state of Montana, United States and the administrative seat of Broadwater County.


Townsend is located in western Montana near the southern tip of Canyon Ferry Lake, a popular recreation area and the third largest body of Montana. The metropolitan area has a size of 4.12 km ², of which 4.09 km ² land and 0.03 km ² water surface are. The place is both of Montana's capital, Helena, as well as the confluence of the Jefferson River, Madison River and the Gallatin River about 56 km away. These three rivers form the headwaters of the Missouri River.

In 2010, the population was 1878.


1805 crossed Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their Lewis and Clark expedition what is now Townsend, but first white settlers could not be before the early 1860s down here. To support the gold mining in the region, got Townsend 1883 a railway station. Is named the city after the wife of Charles Barstow Wright, who was from 1875 to 1879 President of the Northern Pacific Railroad.

Sons and daughters of the town
