Tradescantia pallida

Mexican Spiderwort ( Tradescantia pallida )

The Mexican Spiderwort ( Tradescantia pallida ) is a plant from the family of Commelina family ( Commelinaceae ). It is native to Mexico and is in Florida and Louisiana as an invasive plant.

  • 5.1 Literature
  • 5.2 Notes and references


Appearance and leaf

Tradescantia pallida is a perennial herbaceous plant that has a height of up to 40 cm and irregular growth form. The stem is tinged purple-violet.

The change-constant and spirally arranged leaves are sessile. The slightly fleshy leaf blade with a length of (4 to ) usually 7 to 15 cm and a width of 1.5 to 3 cm lanceolate - oblong to oblong- elliptical in shape with a symmetrical, rounded to wedge- shaped base and a pointed tip. The bare surfaces of leaves are reddish to violet, sometimes partly greenish. The leaf margin is ciliated.

Inflorescence and flower

Tradescantia pallida forms throughout the entire growing season terminal inflorescences that are often overgrown. In (3.5 to ) usually 4-13 cm long Blütenstandsschäften are about laubblattählichen bracts only 4-9 mm, in the upper part densely white hairy flower stems the flowers. The within a day wilting, androgynous flowers are radial symmetry and threefold double perianth. The three free, in the lower region hairy sepals have a length of 7 to 10 mm. The three pink nailed petals are fused at their base and are 1.5 to 2 cm long. The six fertile stamens with sparsely hairy stamens protrude beyond the corolla.

Fruit and seeds

There shall be 3.5 mm wide, thin-walled, bare fruit capsules. The seeds are 2.5 to 3 mm in size.


Tradescantia pallida is native to the east of Mexico. Where it grows in dry, sunny locations. Today you can find this kind in Florida and Louisiana, especially in derelict settlements.


This species was first described in 1911 by Joseph Nelson Rose, Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, 13, pp. 294, under the name Setcreasea pallida. David Richard Hunt, in 1975, she in Kew Bulletin, 30, p 452 under the currently valid name Tradescantia pallida Tradescantia in the genus. Other synonyms for Tradescantia pallida ( Rose) DRHunt are Setcreasea purpurea Boom, Setcreasea jaumavensis Matuda, Setcreasea lanceolata Faruqi, KL Mehra & Celarier, Tradescantia purpurea Boom.


Tradescantia pallida is used in frost-free gardens as an ornamental plant groundcovers. It is also used as a houseplant. The most common variety is 'Purple Heart', also called 'Purpurea '.


  • Robert B. thread: Commelinaceae in the Flora of North America, Volume 22, 2000: Tradescantia pallida - Online. (Section Description and systematics)