Tricholoma pardinum

Tiger Knight (Tricholoma pardinum )

The Tiger Knight (Tricholoma pardinum, syn. T. tigrinum, T. pardalotum ) is a poison mushroom from the order of the mushroom -like ( Agaricales ).

  • 4.1 Literature
  • 4.2 Notes and references
  • 4.3 External links


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat reached 5-12 cm in diameter, hat skin is gray to gray-brown, coarse- scaled silver to dark gray ( mackerel ). The edge is rolled in a young state. The relatively wide slats are dirty whitish, forced standing and have grown bulged. Especially in young fruit bodies are often occupied with water droplets ( watering ). The whitish stem is 12 cm long, is compact and the reason he is rostfleckig. Its shape is bulbous to club-shaped. The stem tip is covered with droplets. The crude meat is firm, full and has a strong flour odor. The spore powder is white.

Microscopic characteristics

The oval shaped and smooth spores of the Tiger Knights Lings are colorless and translucent. They measure 8-10 × 6-7 micrometers.

Possible confusion of the Tiger Knights compact with mushrooms consist inter alia against Schwarzfaserigem Tricholoma (including any hat skin scaly ), Gilbendem Erdritterling (including gelbgefleckte leaves) and Erdritterling (including no flour smell).


The Tiger Tricholoma caused when taken orally, the so-called gastrointestinal syndrome, which is characterized mainly by effects on the digestive system. Previously Though lacking the chemical detection of a particular toxin, the toxic effect is, however, undisputed. The recording can lead to severe discomfort with diarrhea and vomiting cases, however, leaves little trace. However, the death from circulatory failure and excessive water loss may in principle not be excluded as a result of poisoning.


The Tiger Tricholoma is a mycorrhizal fungus of various deciduous and coniferous trees, mainly of beech, silver fir and spruce. The mycelium grows in the soil. The fruiting bodies come from August to October to light and make quite fairy rings. The Tiger Tricholoma occurs in all of Europe. He lives only in calcareous soil, which is why he is only scattered more common, in Germany especially in the south and in southern Mecklenburg. In general, the fungus is rare.

