
Triskaidekaphobia ( from Greek τρεισκαίδεκα, translit. Treiskaídeka, German and Greek thirteen φόβος, translit. Fobos, dt fear) is the superstitious fear of the number thirteen called. If it were severe, especially if the affected everything that has to do with the number 13, avoid and handle, it is called an isolated or specific phobia in the medical sense.

Friday the 13th, in this context, is considered to be a dreaded date. The fear of this day is called Paraskavedekatriaphobie (via Latin parasceuē or parascēves this from Greek παρασκευή, dt: Preparation Day [ va before the Sabbath ] ), sometimes Paraskevedekatriaphobie. This phobia can lead to such an extent that sufferers cancel trips and dates or, do not trust on a Friday, which falls on the thirteenth of the month from the bed. An analysis of sick leave from 2006 to 2008 shows that in such Fridays three to five times more workers are on sick leave than average. At the same time shows an evaluation of the Zurich Insurance that on Fridays that fall on the 13th of the month, significantly less damage cases are listed as on all other Fridays of the year: Either people are extra careful on that date, or the volume of traffic is due to the superstition lower.


Bring the number with the 13 people gathered at the Last Supper of Jesus Christ in connection because the traitor Judas Iscariot was the thirteenth attendees. The statement, which had 13 been the traitor - from a logical point of untenable - but is often used in this context. Long said the 13 in the German vernacular dozen of the devil.

Since some years after the lunisolar calendar must have 13 months that 13 was among peoples who used such a calendar, a sacred number and was designated later as the heathen, as the Gregorian solar calendar and the Islamic lunar calendar are always 12 months. For the Germans, the 13 was a lucky number: 12 wise men were driven to the lake, to the Lex Frisionum to leave, a thirteenth man was in a gathering storm then appeared, took over the control, controlled the ship through the storm and the 12 ways finally, the law of the Frisians dictated before he disappeared again. Among the Japanese, the 13 is considered a lucky number. In Jewish tradition, the 13 is also a lucky number and a symbol of God because it is about the Twelve. A reference is Tuesday, the 13th, after the success of his work is viewed on Tuesday the creation story God twice.

Also, the day is divided in the morning and 12 hours in the afternoon in 12 hours - which, however, has less to do with avoiding the number 13, but the fact that the number 12 has so many divisors (see dozen ). A Glockenuhr therefore always suggest only a maximum of 12 times. Hence the saying comes It Goes 13 for an unusual event. In superstition, the 13th hour is the witching hour and begins after midnight.


In some high-rise buildings missing in numbering the 13th floor, so that on the 12th directly following the 14th floor. Similarly, the 13th deck often skipped even with ships in the numbering. Also hotel rooms are often placed without the number 13. Furthermore, most airlines no 13th row in their machines. In Formula 1 is not used for the numbering of the vehicles 13. In some ICE trains of the first generation, there is no car 13 The Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington, DC has no gate 13 in Terminal B After the tram line 12 of the former Magdeburg suburban railway line followed 14 between Magdeburg and Beautiful Beck.

As known Triskaidekaphobiker was the composer Arnold Schoenberg.

Quatorzième ( The Fourteenth ) was a designation for professional guests of private companies in the fin de siècle Paris, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A Quatorzième visited - with or without pay - in a society appropriate clothing to prevent 13 guests seated at a table ( hence the name ). In a French entertainment journal of 1870 is - with respect to an obituary in a London newspaper - especially a John Andrew Malketh mentioned, which left 500,000 francs, after he is said to have worked 35 years as Quatorzième.
