Tromsø Cathedral

The Tromsø Domkirke ( German Cathedral Tromsø) is the Evangelical Lutheran Church Bishop of the Diocese of North Hålogaland in Northern Norway Tromsø in Troms County.

The style of the church is based on the Gothic (see also: Neo-Gothic ), and is the only Norwegian cathedral, which is made of wood. It belongs to the northern cathedrals in the world and, with its 800 seats one of the largest Norwegian wooden churches.

The first church in the city was the royal chapel built under Håkon IV ( 1204-1263 ). They belonged to the king and not the Catholic Church.

The cathedral was built under Christian Heinrich Grosch and completed in 1861. The church is located in the city center of Tromsø, but is surrounded by a stretch of the medieval cemetery. The church's interior is dominated by the altar, whose image is a copy of the " resurrection " is. The original painting is in the church Bragernes in the municipality of Drammen. Oldest piece of equipment is a Madonna, probably dating from the 15th century.

