Tukeit Hill frog

The Blattkrötchen ( Allophryne ) are a small, Headquartered in northeastern South America genus of anurans.


In the described long been the first type of Allophrynidae family, Allophryne ruthveni, is a small frog with a body length of 20-30 mm. The females are slightly larger than males. The appearance of this kind of reminiscent of the tree frogs, in contrast to these, the terminal finger and toe bones but does not steal, but T-shaped. The back is warty and spiny, with a marbling in bronze, gray-brown, golden or yellowish brown shades and golden yellow side stripes. The muzzle appears slightly pointed, curved in side view down into the back view. The tympanum is visible only in males. Webbed feet are present on the hind feet, while they are absent on the forefeet.

To establish the status as a distinct family, a list of 13 skeletal features of Allophryne ruthveni was cited.

Geographical Distribution

Allophryne ruthveni was found in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and the Brazilian states of Rondônia, Amapá, Pará, Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Roraima.

A second type (A. resplendens ) was discovered on Javari in Peru.

Way of life

Blattkrötchen live in lightly wooded areas near ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Keep preferably near the ground herb and shrub layer at heights of 1-3 meters, where they sometimes gather in groups of several hundred animals. The occurrence seems to be restricted to primary forests. The call is a deep, scratchy warble, which can be heard especially in the early evening hours. Propagation is explosive in temporary standing water. Mating takes place above the ground on plants, the male mounts the back of the female and clutching ( axillary amplexus ). The spawn consists of about 300 pigmented eggs and is released into the water.


Allophryne ruthveni was described as early as 1926 by 2012 but no similar species were discovered. 1978 my own family was created for this type, the family of Blattkrötchen ( Allophrynidae ). The Blattkrötchen are representative of Neobatrachia within which the relationships to other taxa have been discussed controversially. After they were brought because of their appearance for a long time especially with the tree frogs in conjunction, they are regarded as a sister group of the glass frogs in recent times because of the T-shaped finger - and foot bones. The latter was confirmed by molecular genetic findings ..

A second, recently described species seems a bit more robust and has a dark base color with yellow spots .. It is thus externally distinguishable and was resplendens classified by sequence differences in the ribosomal RNA ( by sequence analysis ) as a new species named Allophryne. .

  • Allophryne ruthveni, Gaige, 1926
  • Allophryn resplendens, Castroviejo - Fisher, Pérez- Peña, Padial, Guayasamin, 2012

Threats and conservation

The habitats needed by Blattkrötchen have been reduced in the distribution area of Allophryne ruthveni in recent years by deforestation something. The threat, however, is currently low because the animals mostly live in regions that are little influenced by man. In the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN as Least Concern Allophryne ruthveni ( not endangered ) substance.


  • Anura