Tulipa tarda

Tulipa tarda Blooming

The tarda tulip ( Tulipa tarda ), also called star - tulip, is a species of the genus of tulips ( Tulipa) in the lily family ( Liliaceae ).


The tarda tulip is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches stature heights between 5 and 15 centimeters. This Geophyt forms onions as outlasting. You proliferates by stolons. The three to seven leaves are spread out on the ground more or less strongly colored pure green, shiny, rinnig and measure 10 to 12 × 1.2 to 2 centimeters.

Three to six flowers are on a stem. The flowers have a diameter of 5-7 inches, and spread out in a star shape with sun out. The bloom are either completely stained yellow or yellow with a white top. The outer bracts have at the bottom of a green median strip on, are crowded purple and measure 3-4 x about 1.3 inches, the inner are approximately 1.7 inches wide. In contrast to the Turkestan Tulip she has no basal spot.

The flowering period is between late April and May.


The tarda Tulip comes in Kyrgyzstan in North Tian -Shan at the river Kastek on rock and gravel slopes before, further in eastern Turkmenistan in Transili Alatau.


The Tulip tarda is scattered used as an ornamental plant in rock gardens and off edges. It is in culture at least since 1905. She needs a lot of sun.


  • Eckhart J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller, K. (ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.