
Winter Stielbovist ( Tulostoma brumale )

The Stielboviste ( Tulostoma ) is a fungal genus in the family Kartoffelbovistverwandten. The genus is distributed worldwide and includes Dörfelt world after about 100 species, according to Krieglsteiner 79-126 species.


The fruiting bodies underground evolves and is lifted by one hand, stretching, woody stem above the soil surface. The outer envelope ruptures ( Exoperidie ), part of which sometimes gets stuck at the bottom of the inner shell enclosing Gleba ( endoperidium ). The disintegrating into a gray mass of spores inside the fruiting body is released as spores dust through a teat- like or fimbriate opening ( the peristome ).

Ecology and phenology

They are ground-dwelling Saprobionten relatively dry habitats ( steppes, semi-deserts and deserts ). In Germany grasslands are typical locations.

The fruiting bodies appear from late summer to autumn, mostly through the winter and can be found almost all year round.


The Stielboviste come in Germany, especially on sites that are created by human management (dry grass). These locations and thus it instructed the fungal species are threatened by management task, fertilizer entry and consequent overgrowth.


In Europe, approximately 30 taxa occur or are expected there.


The Stielboviste have no food value, they are economically insignificant.

