Ulisse Aldrovandi

Ulisse Aldrovandi (also known as Ulysses Aldrovandus; * September 11, 1522 in Bologna, † May 4, 1605 ) was an Italian physician and naturalist.


Ulisse Aldrovandi first learned the merchant craft and studied law in Bologna, Padua in philosophy and medicine in Rome afterwards. There he was suspected of heresy in 1549 and sat briefly in prison, after which he returned to Bologna. In the same year aroused the Pisan Luca Ghini his interest in botany, in the following year Guillaume Rondelet his interest in zoology.

In 1552 he became Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine in 1553 (both at the University of Bologna), in 1554 he was a lecturer. In 1555 he became professor of philosophy and in 1556, together with Cesare Odoni of Medical Botany. From 1571 to 1600 he held the chair of medicine at the University of Bologna, where he in 1567 founded the Botanical Garden, one of the first ever.

Aldrovandi undertook with his students excursions to the island of Elba, Livorno and in the Veronese Alps and put a herbarium, and a natural history collection at.

In addition to Conrad Gesner Ulisse Aldrovandi is one of the founders of modern zoology. Above all, his very detailed systematic studies made ​​him known.

The main work of Ulisse Aldrovandi is comprised of eleven volumes Historia animalium. He worked only the birds, insects and invertebrates; the remaining volumes were published only after his death by Uterverius, Dempster and Bartholomew Ambrosinus.

The work was published under the following titles:

  • Ornithologiae libri XII (Bologna 1599-1603, 3 vols; Bologna last in 1861 );
  • De animalibus insectis libri VII (1602, most recently in 1638 );
  • De reliquis animalibus exsanguinibus libri IV ( 1606, last 1654).