Umberto Saba

Umberto Saba Umberto actually Poli ( born March 9, 1883 in Trieste, † August 25 1957 in Gorizia ) was an Italian poet and writer.


Saba spent an unhappy childhood, overshadowed by the absence of the father, who had left the Jewish mother after a short time. According to Jewish law Saba was a Jew. He adopted the pseudonym Saba, which means " grandfather " in Hebrew. Following the adoption of racial laws in 1938 he lived in Paris, Florence, Rome and Milan. It was not until 1947 he returned to the hometown.

Saba grew up in the triestinische " cultura mitteleuropea " of the early 20th century into it, particularly influenced by Nietzsche and Freud, but also by the Italian literary tradition of the 19th century, especially by Giacomo Leopardi. He started at the beginning of the 20th century, to write his first works: poetry dell ' adolescenza e Jugend, 1900-1907, and insurance militarized 1908.

This was followed by his masterpieces: Trieste e una donna (1910-1912) and Serena disperazione (1913-1915), in which he reproduces everyday feelings and domestic relations to a multi-faceted and psychologically differentiated way with a very simple language.

Ernesto was only published in 1975, in which it is an autobiographical novella, the Umberto Saba had already written in 1953 but not published.

Works (selection)

  • Roberto Deidier (ed.): Lettere a Sandro Penna. From 1929 to 1940. Archinto, Milan 1997, ISBN 88-7768-210-8.
  • Gianfranca Lavezzi (ed.): Atroce paese che amo. Famigliari Humanities ( 1945-1953 ). Bompiani, Milan 1987 ( Nuova Corona, 19 ).
  • Aldo Marco Vecchio (Ed. ): La spada d' Amore. Lettere scelte 1902-1957. Mondadori, Milan 1983 ( Medusa, 80).
  • Canzoniere. Poems Italian - German ( "Il canzoniere "). Klett- Cotta, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-608-93082-5.
  • The broken glass. Poems Italian - German. Piper, Munich, 1991, ISBN 3-492-11351-6.
  • The poet, the dog and the chicken. Zsolnay, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-552-04922-3.
  • Ernesto. Roman ( " Ernesto" ). 3rd Ed Piper, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-492-11185-8.
  • Trieste and a woman ( " Trieste e una donna "). Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt / M. In 1962.