United States Mint Police

The United States Mint Police (English about: Münzpolizei of the United States) is a police agency of the United States of America, which is responsible for the safety of the U.S. Treasury Department and the downstream Mint United States Mint.

The United States Mint Police was founded in 1792, is one of the oldest still existing federal facilities in the U.S. at all. It is based in Washington, D.C. Head of agency is currently Dennis O'Connor (Associate Director for Protection / Chief, U.S. Mint Police).

The U.S. Mint Police protects values ​​of over $ 100 billion of state reserves, eg Precious metals and cash. The protected depots are located in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco and Fort Knox; in these places there are also departments of the U.S. Mint. The protection of approximately 2,800 employees and thousands of visitors is the responsibility of the authority.

The standard hand gun, SIG Sauer, motor vehicles receives the police of the General Services Administration.

The Special Operations Unit (SWAT ) of the United States Mint Police is the Special Response Team ( SRT).
