Urospermum dalechampii

Soft -haired sulfur cosmos ( Urospermum dalechampii )

The Weichhaarige sulfur cosmos ( Urospermum dalechampii ) is a plant from the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth of 20 to 40 centimeters. The schrotsägeförmigen basal leaves are arranged in a rosette. The stem leaves are entire or dentate, the uppermost opposite sides.

The basket- shaped inflorescence has a diameter of up to 5 centimeters and sits on a long, strong and above thickened stems. The seven to eight lanceolate bracts are united at the base and pubescent. The inflorescence is composed of sulfur- yellow ray florets. The edge whitish flowers are also often outside reddish brown. The long beaked fruit is an achene and has a feathery, slightly reddish pappus.

The Weichhaarige sulfur basket flowers from April to August.


The distribution area includes the North - Western Mediterranean from Spain to the Balkans.

As a location preferred this plant roadsides and cultural and Barrens.
