
59.38833333324.4119444444Koordinaten: 59 ° 23 ' N, 24 ° 25' O

Vääna ( German Faehna ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Harku ( Hark ) in Harju County ( Harrien ). Vääna is about 20 km from the Estonian capital Tallinn. The village has ( as of June 1, 2010 ) 266 inhabitants.

Location and History

Vääna lies in the glacial valley of the River North Estonian Vääna Jõgi. The 407 hectares Biggest in the conservation area was established in 1991. Therein lies the Moor of Tõlinõmme and its lake. It is a habitat for numerous bird species. The by the end of the 1930s still 34 acre lake has now shrunk to 6 acres.

The place Vääna was first mentioned in records in 1325 under the name Feyena. It formerly belonged to the parish of Keila (cone ). 1862 a school was opened in Vääna.

1913 a narrow gauge railway between Nõmme - Väike and Vääna was put into operation. The railway line was first used for military purposes, as the tsarist army extended the coastal batteries at the Estonian north coast and on the islands of the sea fortress known as Emperor Peter the Great, 1912-1918. 1933, the railway was put into civilian service. Rail traffic was abandoned in 1959. Three years later the tracks were removed. The old station building is still preserved.

Manor Vääna

Vääna is known primarily for its historic manor house and surrounding, almost 12 acres of romantic park.

The estate of Vääna is occupied from the 14th century. From 1325 to 1460 it was owned by the family of Bremen. In the Middle Ages it belonged to the monastery Padise ( Padis ). In the 16th century the estate was owned by the noble Baltic German family Tiesenhausens. After that, it was different German Baltic families and was destroyed in the Great Northern War, before it became the property of the family von Stackelberg in 1774. The most famous owner was Otto Magnus von Stackelberg. He was a larger art lover, researcher and collector of antiquities, the Advanced founded by Dückerstieg of Peter Friedrich collections of art treasures and completed. In the western dome pavilion, he entertained an art gallery. His collection was one of the most valuable in Estonia.

The mansion was completed in 1797. Its appearance in the late Baroque style, it received according to the plans of an unknown Italian architect of 1784th The construction reminds with its round pavilions that hold illusionist coffered ceiling paintings and are connected by a corridor, more like a castle. This impression is underlined by the windows, pilasters and pilasters.

The Good Vääna stood up to the Estonian land reform in 1919 the property of the family von Stackelberg. In the manor house located since 1920, a kindergarten, a primary school and the local library. From the outbuildings of the distillery, which was built by the architect Friedrich modes in 1871, as well as a memory from the 1880s have been preserved.
