Valentin Wiery

Wiery Valentin ( born February 12, 1813 in St.Marein at Wolf Mountain, † December 29, 1880 in Klagenfurt) was Bishop of Gurk.


Valentin Wiery was born in the Lavant Valley, the son of a master mason and was adopted by a paternal uncle, who, however, died after three years. The boy then came to a maternal uncle to Klagenfurt and attends the school. Wiery then joined the Klagenfurt seminary and learned the Slovene language. On August 24, 1835, he was consecrated by the Bishop Ignaz Lavanter Zimmermann priest. He spent the next three years in the diocesan Institute St. Augustine in Vienna. In 1838 he received his doctorate in theology, then became chaplain in St.Marein at Cilli and was called after four months as Spiritual Director of the Seminary Gurker to Klagenfurt. He could also teach the Slovene theologians in their native language through his language skills. In 1844, he was the consistory of the Diocese of Lavant and was in the same year a member of the cathedral chapter. In 1849 he took part in the great assembly of bishops in Vienna as a professional theologian. 1851 appointed him Archbishop of Salzburg in his cathedral chapter and appointed him director of the Salzburg Seminary.

In 1858 he was appointed Bishop of Gurk, his confirmation on November 20, 1858 and December 8, 1858 was enthroned in the Klagenfurt Cathedral. In the first year of his reign, and for Carinthia church historically significant event coincided: the Diocese of Lavant, which included his birthplace, was incorporated on June 1, 1859, the Diocese of Gurk and the borders of Carinthia were consistent from now on with the diocesan boundaries. The See of St. Andrew in the Lavant Valley moved to Marburg an der Drau ( Maribor).

Was founded in 1851 in Klagenfurt, the Slovenian St. Hermagoras Club and was converted by Bishop Wiery in a church brotherhood. 1869 Bishop took Wiery on 1 Vatican Council in Rome in part. Under Bishop Wiery a renewed process for the canonization of Hemma of Gurk was initiated, which was however not completed in his reign. With the new Constitution of 1861, the bishop was also a member of the manor house and the Kärntner Landtag.

In November 1879 he took part in the Bishops' Conference in Vienna. After his return to a bad ulcer on his left foot became noticeable. At the celebration of Christmas in the Klagenfurt Cathedral, he received the last sacraments, and died on December 29 after it had been received nor the blessing of the Pope the day before. Bishop Wiery was buried at his own request in the crypt under the Francis Xavier Chapel of the Klagenfurt Cathedral and is the first Gurker bishop, who was laid to rest in the Klagenfurt Cathedral.
