
52.76511.11944444444430Koordinaten: 52 ° 45 ' 54 "N, 11 ° 7' 10" E

Valfitz is a municipality in the Altmark Kuhfelde Salzwedel in Saxony- Anhalt, Germany.

  • 3.1 Mayor


The place is located very close to the Jeetzeniederung. The village is about 11 km south of Salzwedel. From there you can reach it via the B 248 and the county roads 1382 and 1402.


For the former municipality belonged to the district of pushing.


The community Valfitz belonged to the administrative community Salzwedel - country and was in the Altmark Salzwedel.

Through a field amendment agreement, the municipal councils of the municipalities Kuhfelde have decided ( December 2, 2008 ), Siedenlangenbeck ( 8 December 2008 ), Valfitz ( 10 December 2008 ) and Püggen ( 2 December 2008 ) that their communities dissolved and are combined to form a new congregation named Kuhfelde. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 July 2009.



The last mayor of the municipality was Wolfgerd Behrends of the CDU.
