Valle del Cauca Department

The Departamento del Valle del Cauca is a province in western Colombia. To the west it borders on the Pacific Ocean, to the north, Chocó to the northeast Risaralda and Quindio, Tolima to the east and south to Cauca.

In agriculture, sugar cane, coffee, maize, sorghum, bananas and yucca dominate. Even the livestock, fishing and forestry play a role. The industry is concentrated around the provincial capital of Cali. Here, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and the food industry, paper and board manufacturing and engineering significance.

The Lake Calima, the National Park Los Farallones de Cali and the sculptures at Christ the King in Cali are tourist attractions.

Administrative subdivision

The Departamento del Valle del Cauca consists of 42 municipalities, see List of Municipalities in Departamento del Valle del Cauca.

Amazon | Antioquia | Arauca | Atlántico | Bogotá - Distrito Capital | Bolivar | Boyacá | Caldas | Caquetá | Casanare | Cauca | Cesar | Chocó | Córdoba | Cundinamarca | Guainía | Guaviare | Huila | La Guajira | Magdalena | meta | Nariño | Norte de Santander | Putumayo | Quindio | Risaralda | San Andrés and Providencia | Santander | Sucre | Tolima | Valle del Cauca | Vaupés | Vichada

  • Valle del Cauca
  • Colombian Departamento