Valle San Giovanni

Valle San Giovanni is a village in the province of Teramo ( Abruzzo region ) in Italy. The village has 350 inhabitants and belongs as a fraction ( district ) to the municipality of Teramo. It is approximately 10 km from the city. The Adriatic Sea and the Gran Sasso are 25 km away. Valle San Giovanni is also not far from the Tordino, a river of the region.

The name of the village is probably due to a family name of Teramo ( " di Valle "). Another possibility origin is the name of an old church in the region ( " San Giovanni in Pergullis ").

The first church of the village is the Madonna della Neve. It is located in the center of the village and was given the name of Madonna della Neve ( Our Lady in the snow ). The church dates from 1458. Every year in August, a summer festival is organized in Valle San Giovanni.

In a very strong wave of emigration in 1900, many inhabitants emigrated to the USA and Canada.

Not far from Largo della Chiesa is the " Via del Casale ". The inhabitants of Valle San Giovanni are called " vallaroli ".
