
The Vancouver Marathon ( full name BMO Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon after the main sponsor Bank of Montreal ) is the largest marathon in Canada and has been held since 1972 every year in May in Vancouver instead. The program also includes a half marathon.

The route begins at the Plaza of Nations at BC Place football stadium, the British Columbia Lions. Initially leads past False Creek, then through Gastown and Stanley Park and over the Burrard Street Bridge to Kitsilano. There, a loop is executed, and over the Burrard Street Bridge, it goes back to the starting point of the route.

Record winner is the German Ulrich Steidl, who won the race five times in 2004 to 2000 in a row.


Track records

  • Men: 2:13:14 h, Garry Henry (AUS ), 1980
  • Women: 2:35:50 h, Claudia Camargo (ARG ), 2007

Fastest Runner 2010

  • Men: Thomas Omwenga (KEN ), 2:16:55
  • Women: Emmah Muthoni Kiruki (KEN ), 2:37:17

Finisher 2010

  • 3309 runner finishes (1885 men and 1424 women)

List of winners

Sources: ARRS, AIMS
