Vasile Louis Puscas

Louis Vasile Puşcaş (* September 13, 1915 in Aurora, Illinois, † October 3, 2009 ibid ) was united with Rome eparch the Romanian Catholic Church.


Louis Vasile Puşcaş received on May 14, 1942, the ordination. Pope John Paul II appointed him Titular Bishop of Leuce 1982 and appointed him as Apostolic Exarch of Saint George's in Canton. The Episcopal ordination on June 26, 1983 He received his episcopal Traian Crisan, secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Co-consecrators were Emil John Mihalik, Bishop of the Eparchy of Parma, and Michael Joseph Dudick, Bishop of the Eparchy of Passaic. In 1987, with the survey of Eparchy named the first bishop of the Eparchy of Saint George's in Canton, headquartered in Canton, Ohio. 1993 his age-related resignation was accepted.
