Vela Supernova Remnant

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815 ± 98 light years

The Vela supernova is a supernova, which occurred about 250 parsecs away in the southern constellation Vela 11000-12300 years ago.

From the progenitor star created by the supernova to one of the Vela pulsar was observed by Astromen the University of Sydney in 1968 as the first direct evidence of a neutron star as a result of a supernova. Secondly, the thrown from the supernova in the room gas forms a supernova remnant, the Vela nebula, which has an area of ​​35 parsecs or 100 light-years; to the supernova remnant also include the Pencil Nebula.

The supernova remnant overlaps with the seemingly of Puppis A, which is but four times farther away. In fact, the Vela supernova is one of the earth closest, only the much older supernova from which the Geminga pulsar has emerged is a bit closer, and possibly the 1998 RX J0852.0 - 4622 discovered that with as Puppis A the appearance of the Vela Supernova overlaps. The Vela supernova, Puppis A and Geminga are among the brightest celestial phenomena in X-rays.

