Vienna Game, Frankenstein-Dracula Variation

In the Frankenstein - Dracula variation, it is a complicated sub-variation of a chess opening. It usually develops from the Vienna Game, but can also diverter from the Bishop's result. In the opening system of the ECO codes the variant is classified under the key C27.


The mainly used in English-speaking name goes back to the correspondence chess champion Tim Harding, who in his book influenced him in 1973 Bishop's Opening. Published in 1978 Baruch Harold Wood in the magazine Chess a short story in which he transformed the idea of a chess game between Frankenstein and Dracula literary. He went back to a 1974 game played between Jacob East Hansen and John Nunn, in this variant came on board. This sequence of moves was known but in the early 20th century.

Thanks to the exciting and confusing complications which may arise from you in the further course of game, the Frankenstein - Dracula variation is often the subject of the topic in correspondence chess tournaments in which all games must start with a predetermined sequence of moves.

The basic position of the Frankenstein - Dracula variation

1 e2- e4 e7 - e5 2 Nb1 - c3 Ng8 - f6 3 Lf1 - c4 Sf6xe4 A bill victims, after 4 Sc3xe4 d7 -d5 Black gains the figure with advantage back. Better for White is: 4 Dd1 - h5 Ne4 - d6 Forced to cover f7. After Qd8 - e7? or Qd8 - f6? 5 Sc3xe4 goes d7 -d5 no longer, and Black has lost a character. 5 Bc4 -b3? White can also recover with 5 Dh5xe5 the farmers. This train is sharper. Now Black can e5 say the farmers, but then lose the Ta8. An alternative is 5 ... Bf8 - e7. 5 ... c6 - Sb8 Now enforce the need for White to create a replacement for the farmers, and Matt threat against f7 on both sides of the next trains: 6 Nc3 - b5 g7- g6 7 DH5 -f3 f7 - f5 8 Df3 -d5 - e7 Qd8 9 Sb5xc7 Ke8 -d8 10 Sc7xa8 Black has sacrificed a tower, but will win the Sa8 and then has a quality less - but he has compensation. After 10 ... b6 b7 ( the undisputed best train ), the variants branch.

In 1921 edited by Jacques Lousy Supplement to the Manual of chess is the variant 11 Qd5 -f3 ( 11 Sg1 -f3 Bc8 - b7 with a strong attack) Bc8 - b7 12 13 d2 -d3 Sa8xb6 a7xb6 Nc6 -d4 14 Df3 f5 - f4 - h3! indicated with black advantage. Today, however, applies 11 d2 -d3 than better.
