Villa Angarano

Villa Angarano is a 1548 designed by Andrea Palladio mansion in Bassano del Grappa, in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. Only the wings, however, were built according to the plans of the famous architect. The main building was designed in the 17th century by the architect Baldassare Longhena.

The building was declared in 1996 by UNESCO with other villas of Palladio World Heritage Site.


Little has been realized from the original designed by Palladio for his close friend Giacomo Villa Angarano. Only the wing-like, laterally arranged, moving towards the central manor farm buildings came to execution. For documents show that even before Palladio's plans was inhabited by a Angarano building on the property, was therefore started with the farm buildings.

It is not entirely clear how the middle part should be designed according to the original plans of Palladio. Even before could be started with the work, the financial position of the wealthy to the start of construction Angarano deteriorated, so you probably Reserve left the existing mansion. Finally, Angarano was forced to the property at the Venetian Giovanni Formenti for sale. The present condition is due to the plans of Baldassare Longhena from the second half of the 17th century.
