Vinica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Vinica is a populated by Croats community in community association Tomislav degree in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in the Canton 10

Geographical Location and Climate

Vinica is separated by the Croatian- Bosnian border in Mala Vinica ( Bosnian ) and Velika Vinica ( Croatian) and is located in the transition regions of Dalmatia and Herzegovina. The actual resort is located on a plateau ( 600-650 m i. J. ), the highest point of the municipality is the mountain range Zavelim ( 1364 m. J. i ). The climate in Vinica is strongly influenced by the proximity to Mediterranean (air line to the Adriatic Sea 20 km) and is very different from the climate in the rest of the community association Tomislav degrees. The climate is Mediterranean influenced with dry summers and rainy winters and resembles that of the Dalmatian Zagora in Croatia. Due to thrive in Vinica fruits, including grapes ( Kujundzusa ) that do not thrive in other parts of the community association.



  • Place in the Canton 10
  • Tomislav degree