
58.625277777826.5158333333Koordinaten: 58 ° 38 'N, 26 ° 31' O

Visusti ( German Wissust ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural municipality in the district of Palamuse Jõgeva. It has 123 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2001).

The village was first Visusti 1449 listed as Visszel. The Baltic German estate of Visusti ( Visusti mõis ) was first in 1473 under the name Fissel mentioned as part of the parish of Äksi ( Ecks ) documented. In 1745 it was the property of the nobles Carl Gustav of steel. From the 1820s to the Estonian land reform in 1919 Visusti was owned by the Oettingen family.

The mansion was built around the turn of the 20th century. Architecturally influential was the so-called home style with elements of Art Nouveau. After the Estonian land reform, it served as a German elementary school. 1933 burned down the mansion. It was rebuilt in a simplified form without any decorations or without the original turrets again. Today, the mansion is privately owned and plummets.

The Riga landscape architect Georg Kuphaldt (1853-1938) designed from 1895 the forest park of the estate with numerous avenues.

Before the First World War German peasants from Volhynia settled in Visusti.

Near the village there is the bog of Visusti ( Visusti soo ).
