Vojtěch Šafařík

Vojtěch Šafařík (true and official: Šafárik; * October 26, 1829; † July 2, 1902 ) was a chemist Czech Slovak origin; his works he wrote in German and Czech.


The son of Pavel Jozef Šafárik studied in Prague, Berlin and Göttingen chemistry. He belonged to students by Friedrich Wöhler and Justus von Liebig, with whom he also worked. In 1869 he was appointed professor of chemistry at the Czech Polytechnic, 1882 to the first professor of chemistry at the Charles University in Prague. Since 1872, he wrote českých as an editor for the first Czech chemical journal Zprávy Spolku Chemiků.

Towards the end of his life he devoted himself exclusively to astronomy.


In Göttingen, he was involved in the research of diethylmagnesium, worked on the chemical composition of platinum catalysis, vanadium, and organometallic compounds ( Grignard reagent ). At the Vienna Academy, he published a work on physical properties of substances.

Since 1859 he was involved in the chemical analysis of the authenticity of the Green Berger handwriting and came to the conclusion that it was a forgery.

Besides chemistry, he dealt with mineralogy.

1860 Safarik published the first high school chemistry textbook základové čili lučby and participated in chemical terminology in Czech. He improved the nomenclature of the chemist January Svatopluk Presl and Josef Jungmann.


  • Mineralogical and chemical communications on recent events in Bohemia
  • Základové chemistry (1878 ) ( unfinished)
  • About construction of telescope mirrors for new principles