Votic language

Spoken in




The Votes are the second population group in addition to the Ingria Ingrian.

According to the data of H. Heinsoo of 1989 that provided the latest data on this language, 112 people reported in the census in Russia to speak this language. The proper name is vad'd'alain whose meaning and origin are not known.

It has four main dialects of this language, but which are already extinct for the most part:

  • Westwotisch
  • Kukkusi - Votic ( extinct)
  • Ostwotisch ( extinct in the 1960s )
  • Krewinisch in Southern Latvia ( extinct in the 19th century)

There is no written language.

Linguistically Votic is most closely related to Estonian. Votic belongs to the Finno -Ugric languages ​​, more specifically to the southern group of the Baltic-Finnic languages ​​and has its typical characteristics.

Votic has fourteen and as a special case within the Finno-Ugric languages ​​six tenses, including the entirely uncharacteristic for Finno- Ugric languages ​​Futur.

In phonetics, the Wotischen notice that it is very rich in diphthongs, but has a comparatively weak trained consonant system, in particular the lack of voiced fricatives. In contrast, the incidence of falls š and TS, which is the result of a wotischen sound shift. Here, for example baltic finnish k before e, ä and i was about TS, see Finnish kenkä, mäki, kieli, Votic tšentšä, mätši, tšeeli.

While other Finno- Ugric languages ​​, such as the Wepsische have virtually abandoned the stage change, this has not only preserved in Wotischen, but also further developed.

The vocabulary of Wotischen has strong influences from Russian.
